Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We have had another busy couple of weeks. We had a great Thanksgiving in Langdon, then came home on Friday to set up our holiday decorations. Pat and I are hosting Christmas Eve with my Mom and Marv, RJ and Julie and kids, and Richie. We are really looking forward to being together for a couple days. I have taken that week off and couldn't be more excited.
The kids are great. Jack continues to amaze me with all he is learning at Head Start. It has proven to be an wonderful program that I would strongly recommend to any parent! He is growing like a weed, where has my baby gone? Haley is as mischeivious as ever, loves to get into anything she isn't suppose to. Not too much else going on. We are off to Minneapolis this weekend to visit friends and relax. Wish us luck on the car ride!
Jack wanted Haley to be able to see. Ouch on the eyes.

Haley wears this hat and her slippers all day every day. I guess she is cold?

Brownies and healthy!

Haley thinking she could stand on this container to reach
into the treat drawer....good thinking, just upside down.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mom with my Spidey and witch.

Ryan and Haley....what chocolate, we aren't eating any chocolate.

Jack dressed up as Spiderman. He has all the moves down.

Our little WITCH before Grandma Laurie and Grandpa Marv's Halloween Party.

The kids hangin' with Whitney. They think she is so funny!

Haley and Jack coloring.

As you can see we have been keeping busy. We had a Halloween party on Sunday for all the grandparents and grandkids. It is the second year we have done this so we don't have to run to so many houses on Halloween night. The kids played games and played pretty hard. It was a good time. Thanks Gma Laurie and Gpa Marv for the fun times! Other than that, we have been hanging out at home and enjoying our weekends off. It has been wonderful!
Haley has been getting into lots of trouble lately. Today she climbed out of her crib. She cried for quite awhile so hopefully she won't do that for about another year. She sure has a mind of her own and is so determined. She also enjoys getting up on the kitchen table and then cries until we come to rescue her since she hasn't figured out how to get down. What a handful!
Jack is still loving school. He comes home singing so many new songs and has started to write his name. It is cool to see he is learning so much. They took a trip to the Pumpkin Patch last week, he said it was "sweet", his new word. They are growing way too fast!

Fun Fall Times!

Dad and kids making Mommy a cake for my birthday. How sweet!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Alright, I tried to stay ontop of updating, time sure does go fast! We had a fun weekend in Langdon with Grandma Patty and Granpa Allan. The men were busy combining, Jack and I even got to help out! Jack rode along with Pat and Daren and I went for a cruise last night to keep Pat company. It was alot of fun. Jack is really enjoying Head Start. He loves going on the bus and waits so nice for Mr. Todd to pick him up in the morning. Haley continues to be a doll. She has however figured out how to throw a fit. It is really cute. She throws herself on the floor and waits for my reaction, which she doesn't get. She also is blowing kisses and still loves everyone she meets. I will post some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Okay, I decided to try this whole blogging is actually really easy. Now we will see if I keep up with it. This way, you can check in and see what we have been up to lately. Here is a picture of Jack and Haley at the lake. We had a couple of days off from work, but ended up coming back to town since it was cold and rainy. It was nice to be home for a weekend and get caught up on things around the house.