Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We have had another busy couple of weeks. We had a great Thanksgiving in Langdon, then came home on Friday to set up our holiday decorations. Pat and I are hosting Christmas Eve with my Mom and Marv, RJ and Julie and kids, and Richie. We are really looking forward to being together for a couple days. I have taken that week off and couldn't be more excited.
The kids are great. Jack continues to amaze me with all he is learning at Head Start. It has proven to be an wonderful program that I would strongly recommend to any parent! He is growing like a weed, where has my baby gone? Haley is as mischeivious as ever, loves to get into anything she isn't suppose to. Not too much else going on. We are off to Minneapolis this weekend to visit friends and relax. Wish us luck on the car ride!
Jack wanted Haley to be able to see. Ouch on the eyes.

Haley wears this hat and her slippers all day every day. I guess she is cold?

Brownies and healthy!

Haley thinking she could stand on this container to reach
into the treat drawer....good thinking, just upside down.


The Bydals said...

FINALLY! YEAH, very cute pictures. It was fun to see an update even though I know practically everything that goes on there. LOL

Carrie Serna said...

I love the pic of Haley with her hat and slippers on-too funny! Have fun in Mpls!!!

Julie Erickson and crew said...

The kids are so sweet Kristy! We are also looking forward to spending Christmas Eve at the Bachmans. All our kids are growing up too fast. Love you all! Julie

The Rost Family said...

Cute pictures Kristy! Cullen is the same with with his hat and slippers....too funny!
Have a Merry Christmas!