The kids enjoying some lemonade outside this morning.

Haley eating her cereal with the new purse that RJ Julie gave her for her birthday. She is a girly girl!

Trying out the new scooter that we got her. She is always trying to ride Jack's so we thought she needed her own.

Eating her cake and icecream so nicely. She is addicted to napkins. Much different from last year!

Happy Birthday Missy!

The favorite gift of the party was from my dad. He got her a set of twin dolls. She carried them around the whole night, and is still in love with them today. Thanks dad, good job!

Pretty girl all dressed up for her party. We had my side of the family over last night, and are heading to Langdon to celebrate with Pat's side this weekend. We had a very relaxing night and the birthday girl loved all the attention! Thanks to all that made her 2nd year so wonderful!
Good pictures of all of you - Pat looks pretty relaxed on Father's Day.
Love, Grandma Laurie
Can't believe Haley is TWO!! The party was so fun and very relaxing :) We love you all lots! Great pictures!
Love, The Erickson crew
I love the picture of Haley with the peonies. It's a classic.
Aunt Sue
Happy birthday pretty girl-we'll get together to do 2 year pics SOON! xoxo
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