Welcome Andrew James Bachman! We have been a little busy adjusting to our new schedule and getting into the routine of having a baby again. Pat and I didn't realize how easy we had it with just Jack and Haley. Every day is getting a little better, we are getting used to less sleep and the kids are also getting used to having him here. Big thanks to all our family and friends that have helped out by cooking, taking the kids to play, or just stopping by to visit. We know how blessed we are to have you all in our lives!

Haley holding Dandoo as she calls him. She has had a tough time adjusting to the new addition. We have had quite a few tantrums and outbursts, but I suppose that is to be expected.

Jack loves to hold his baby brother. Andrew reminds us so much of Jack as a baby. Their baby pics are hard to tell who is who.

Leaving the hospital. He was bright eyed and ready to bust outta there, not as much as I was! We had a nice stay, but I was ready to go home and be with my family.

Happy Birthday Andrew! September 28, 2009.....12:45pm.....8lbs 12oz......22 inches long

First family picture. The kids were so excited to finally meet him!

Pat should have been a doctor....looks pretty darn cute in those scrubs!